TikTok account: https://www.tiktok.com/@soupsneezes?_t=8h9307ornDi&_r=1
This project was very out of my comfort zone and required software that I had never used before this class, so it definitely had a bit of a learning curve to it. Blender is such an interesting tool that has an endless of possibilities when it comes to potential projects, it's often very intimidating. I think getting to learn the software at a slower pace where I could get the hang of it without overwhelming myself was vital for the project's success. I had wanted to dive into Blender in the past and had seen its abilities in videos, but I really didn't know where to start, so this was the best situation for me.
As for Effect House and using TikTok on the creator side, I had no idea where to even begin. I had never put much thought into the creation of the filters, but I was a frequent user of them and had likely wondered how it was done. It was honestly very eye-opening to get to see how much work—or how little work—could go into each filter that I as a user of the app had seen so many times before. It definitely gave me more of an appreciation for the creators who are investing their time and careers in developing the community and the software itself. It might be something I explore in the future again, but I would definitely love to work in Blender more and see what I can create. This project has opened a lot of doors in my mind creatively and taught me some really cool skills that I can practice going forward!
